books media history


Ansel (An-szell) - Lanky associate of Kits.

Bardin Naizen (Bar-dean N-eye-zen) - Head Manager at Kasic. Uncle and boss of Pirou.

Boro (Bore-O) - Progressive farmer and a founder of Primichi

Carmin Komou (Car-mean Koe-Moe) - Engineer at Kasic. Husband to Kiara, Father to Suzu.

Chichimou Despré (Chi-Chi-moe Dess-pray) - Young girl found at mine. Daughter to Victou.

Chomi & Misko (ChO-me ME-skO) - Performing artists in Premichi. Create Soultai. 

Clora (Klore-ah) - Wife of Kojo, Mother to Nia. Runs Kora farm.

Cruno (Crew-noe) - Mechanical manager at Etecid.

Daimó (Die-moe) - Clandestine industrialist, leader of Etilé.

Darou Batet (Dar-O Bah-tet) - Young man. Son of Delrico who works in Jinouki production.

Delrico Batet (Del-ree-ko Bah-tet) - Worker at Kouburn, Father of Daroú.

Gaimen Batsu (Guy-men) - Son of Jean Batsu, Father to Opaji Batsu. 

Guso (Gus-O) - Stout associate of Kits.

Jean Batsu (JEEn Bat-su) - Inventor who leads pilgrimage into the Murde Mountains.

Jin Aya (JEEn Ah-yah) - Heir to the Aya corporation. Lives in Chigou, raised in Primichi.

Joushi (Joe-she) Young worker at Kora. Works regularly with Gozen.

Kiara Komou (Key-are-ah Koe-Moe) - Art teacher and Soran activist. Mother of Suzu, Wife to Carmin.

Kits Bodu (Kitz Bo-dew) - Young agent of Daimó.

Kojo (Koe-joe) - Husband of Clora and Father to Nia. Runs Kora farm. 

Kola (Cola) - White Owl familiar to Nia.

Lady Kyoumére (KyO—mair) - Head Mother at the North River Orphanage (Tree House).

Legou (Lay-go) Young worker at Kora. Works regularly with Gozen.

Lucette (Lew-set) - Teenage friend of Nia. Resides at The Tree House. 

Mali Opree (Mall-E Oh-pray) - Opaji’s Secretary. 

Martou Latouski (Mar-toe Lah-toe-ski) - Labor captain who speaks for the labor force.

Martouk (Mar-toke) - Young wood worker. Gets promoted during Murde expedition.

Midora Despré (Me-door-ah Dess-pray) - Wife to Victou, Mother to Chichimou

Milon (Me-lawn) - A farmer in the west of Chigou. Large Tulúki producer.

Mouba (Moe-bah) - Soran activist and zealot. Acquaintance of Kiara.

Nia Chiou (NEE-ah ChEE-O) - Adopted daughter of Kojo and Clora, works at Kora Farm.

Odetta (Oh-det-ah) - Jovial manager at the Varis Market

Opaji Batsu (O-pah-gee) - Son of Gaimen Batsu, Grandson of Opaji. Founder of Chigou.

Parin (Par-EEn) - Moved to Primichi, left apartment to Cousin Lucette.

Pirou Naizen (Pee-row N-eye-zen) - Nephew to Bardin. Works at Kasic on Dark-spark project.

Poel Jastoú (Po-elle Jass-toe) - Progressive Doctor, confidant of Jean Batsu.

Suzu Komou (Sue-zoo Koe-Moe) - Daughter of Kiara and Carmin.

Victou Despré (Vick-toe Dess-pray) - Father to Chichimou, irregular work history.



Chacier (Cha-see-air) - Small and isolated industrial district in Western Chigou. 

Chigou (ChEE-go) - Central city in the Naifin Valley.

Chioi River (ChEE-oh-EE) - Feeds into the Long Frost in north-central Chigou from the west.

Doulan (Doh - Lawn) - Charming neighborhood in northern Chigou.

The Copper Torlúng (Kah-per, tor-loon) - River restaurant in Chigou.

Goraka (Gore-ah-kah) - Forest at southern end of the Naifin Valley. Also known as The Red Valley.

Gris Ave (Gr-iss) - Street in front of Karoburn.

Izzy Kai (EE-zi K’eye) - Bakery and Café in Doulan. 

Kora Farm (Core-rah) - Owned by Kojo and Clora. Nia’s home. Gozen often helps.

Kuitsu (co͞o-E-tso͞o) - Legendary region of Maiishi fables, hidden high in the Murde Mountains.

Lestichi (Less-tee-chee) - Eastern bypass that goes from east of Primichi to Goraka.

Long Frost River - Main river that runs south through the entire Naifin Valley. 

Naifin Valley (N’eye-fin) - Valley in the Murdes that contains Chigou, Primichi and Goraka.

Meijune (May-june) - City on the East coast. Most of the founders of Primichi came from here.

Michelou’s (Mee-sh-low) - Cold creamery, big iconic place in downtown Chigou.

Murde Mountains (Mur-day) - World’s largest mountain range.

Primichi (PrE-me-chEE) - Name of the Northern most City in the Naifin Valley.

The Rift Theater - Primary theater in downtown Chigou.

Roukot (Row-cot) - Central Industrial Quarter where many black-hands live. Named after a family.

Sacoin (Sah-coin) - Lower income neighborhood in Southern Chigou.

The Smokehouse Market - Small but famous market on Oraguine Ave.

Telakai (Tell-ah-k’eye) - Opaji’s skyscraper where many high level industrial decisions are made.


‘278 B Probisou Alley, Sacoin - Address in a blighted, southern neighborhood.

2S11 Oraguine Ave - An apartment building.

18W9 Wakune St. - An apartment in Chacier where Lucette lives.



Akyulose (Ah-kew-low-ss) - Chemical becomes explosive when heated with certain elements.

Aunica Pocke Amplifier (Aw-ni-ka paw-kay) - Amplifies sounds with a parabolic microphone.

Bairide (Buy-ride) - Taxi service vehicle in Chigou.

Black-hands (Bah-zeh) - Floor level industrial workers, colloquial.

Blashu (Blah-shoe) - Sweet grain used to make pastries and breads.

Bokai Tree (Boe-k’eye) - Hardwood tree abundant in the central valley.

Bollo Fruit (Bowl-oh) - Red, fist sized fruit with juicy deeper red meat. 

C22 - Steam engine car built by Aya Precision. 

Charban Coffee Flask (Char-bahn) - Coffee container that can be heated with steam through a valve.

Chipi (ChEE-pee) - Small printer than can also type.

Chitori (ChEE-tore-EE) - Colorful yard bird popular on farms.

Danyo (Dahn-yo) - Quick, moderate size private airship class. 

Dark-spark - Direct fuel combustion engine technology. Uses Kurokinojinsper.

Etilé (Eh-tea-lay) - Clandestine industrial company.

Henka Plant (Hen-kah) - Indigenous plant to the Naifin Valley, potentially toxic.

Hot-berry - Sweet, spicy, tart fruit often used in cold-cream.

Hotrail - High-speed, underground public transit train system in Chigou. 

Humiki Tree (Hue-me-kee) - Large leafed tree found in Goraka.

O’roku (Oh-row-k’ewe) - A large wildcat with various colors of fur. Rarely spotted.

Jinouki or Jino (GEE-no-key) - Fuel made from Tulúki seeds and the mineral Jinsper.

Jinsper (Gin-spur) - Mineral used in fuel production for steam engines.

Karoburn (Car-oh-burn) - Jinkouki production facility in Chigou.

Kasic (Kay-sick) - Central power company in Chigou.

Kibana (Key-bah-na) - The Traditional, clean and balanced art style of Primichi.

Kurokinojinsper (K’ewe-row-key-no-in-spur) - Mineral used in Dark-spark fuel.

Laizóu Tree (Lie-zoh) - Large, wildly bent tree.

Lansu (Lann-sue) - Retractable staff used with Soultai.

Leimikou (Lay-me-ko) Holiday celebrating the founding of the Naifin Valley.

Maiishi (My-EE-shEE) - A martial art originating in the north, emphasizing strength and precision.

Masu (Mah-sue) - A traditional Maiishi sword.

Mimi Fruit (MEE-mEE) - Small orange clusters, sweet, bright with mild sourness.

Misuké (MEE-sue-kay) - A spiced liquor.

Móstique (Moe-s’teek) - A vehicle using Dark-spark. Powerful, sleek and usually black. 

Neko (Neh-koh) - Gozen’s large truck.

Oki Leaves (Oh-key) - Contain a chemical that boosts awareness and oxygen flow.

Óseniques (Oh - sen - EEks) - Symphony accompanied by drama, dance, and/or acrobatics.

Páts (Pots) - Rich, sweet, dark, small fruit from Primichi.

Po’Kin (Poh-keen) - The dominant art style of Chigou.

Shinyo (Sheen-yoh) - Airship, common industrial class. 

Shiroku (She-row-k’ewe) - Also known as an Ice Cat. Lives in cold Mountain regions.

Shumé (shoe-may) - A distilled, green liquor made from Blashu grain and herbs.

Soran (Soar-an) - Emphatic environmentalists.

Soultai (Soul-tie) A martial art that involves dexterity, flexibility, and acrobatics. 

Tulú (Two-l’ewe) Wild Flowers in the Naifin Valley, seeds are used for oil.

Tulúki (Two-l’ewe-key) - Custom variant of Tulú grown at Kora for the production of Jinouki.

Unyo (ewe’n-yoh) - Airship class for elite members of Chigou.

Vite Pistol (Vee-tay) - Gun legal only for target shooting. Fast, accurate, and expensive.

Voikatsue (Voy-cot-sue) - Civil Enforcer Car.

Wire-Type - Typing machine that can send / receive messages long distances across a wire.